Over the past 7 years Dr. Rutterford has held academic positions at a number of UK universities. His previous roles have included working as a Lecturer in Psychology and also Head of School of Psychology and Counselling. His current academic roles include being external examiner on the MSc Abnormal and Clinical Psychology course at Swansea
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Hannah Wachnianin is one of our Assistant Psychologists at the Learning Assessment and Neurocare Centre. Hannah is also a PhD student at the University of East Anglia, supervised by Dr Neil Rutterford and Professor Philip Corr. Hannah’s research is examining the effectiveness of neurofeedback home training on concentration abilities, impulsiveness and response to rewards. Neurofeedback
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An article published in the British Medical Journal has argued that there is mounting evidence that medicine and early detection is harming healthy individuals. Overdiagnosis is referring to an occasion when a person without symptoms is diagnosed and treated for a condition, including mental health conditions, which will cause them no harm. The article includes
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A recent article in the Journal of Attention Disorders added to the valuable literature concerning the effectiveness of non-pharmacological treatments for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A systematic review including 625 participants and 7 treatments was carried out. These were behaviour modification (e.g. token economy reward programme), neurofeedback therapy, multimodal psychosocial treatment, school-based programs, working
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For any individual, becoming a teenager is a difficult time. Our metabolic rate changes, we experience growth spurts, our reproduction organs develop and our hormones affect our mood. However, this can be an even more difficult time for individuals with ADHD. The hormones we produce during puberty can affect someone’s ADHD symptoms including increased moodiness,
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ADDISS is a charity that provides information, training and support for parents, sufferers and professionals in the fields of ADHD and related learning and behavioural difficulties. This weekend ADDISS are having their 10th International conference at which our own Dr Kewley will be a speaker. Dr Kewley will be discussing a personal interest of his;
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Previous studies have shown that Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) increases the risk of unsafe driving. Research has shown that young drivers with ADHD, compared to young drivers without ADHD, are: Likely to have nearly four times as many car accidents Three times as many speeding offences Three times as
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Hi. My name is Ruby. I’m 13 and I’m what people call a Young Carer. I am a young carer because my younger sister has mental disabilities. You don’t actually have to look after a person in your family who is disabled to be a young carer, what matters is the fact that it can
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Dr Kewley is part of the Intercollegiate Group on Healthcare Standards for Children and Young People in Secure Settings (CYPSS) led by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH). This is a leading project to develop and implement a set of standards for the planning and provision of healthcare for children and young
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Methylphenidate is a stimulant medication, recommended by the NICE guidelines to be the first line of pharmacological treatment. However, its use is banned within competitive sports. Methylphenidate is on the list of Banned Substances for Sport, a list produced by the International Sports and Olympic Sports Governing Bodies. These guidelines are used among all competitive
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