Celebration Evening at The ADHD Studio – Dorking
As Patron of the ADHD Studio at Capel, near Dorking, Surrey, Dr Kewley gave a brief overview of ADHD on July 14th, 2011. Please click here to see the presentation.
As Patron of the ADHD Studio at Capel, near Dorking, Surrey, Dr Kewley gave a brief overview of ADHD on July 14th, 2011. Please click here to see the presentation.
Dr Kewley attended this conference. About 3,000 professionals from all over the world were present. Very significant changes were noted from the first such conference that was held four years ago. There has been so much increased recognition of the validity and reality of ADHD and its importance in service development such that such large
The clinic staff held a very successful event, attended by many special educational needs teachers from a wide range of London schools at the King Fahad Academy. This is part of a programme provided by the Centre to continue to inform teachers on the importance of ADHD in the classroom. A similar talk was held
Dr Kewley was asked to speak at this training day for professionals and parents on “How to diagnose and manage ADHD in a young person with autistic spectrum difficulty”. He emphasised the coexistence of the two conditions and the importance of treating each independently. He also emphasised that the term Asperger’s syndrome is often used
Dr Kewley and Mrs Latham, Centre Manager, were asked to undertake a professional development conference designed for professionals in the Medical, Allied Health, Education and Human Service fields involved in the treatment, assessment and rehabilitation of children and adults with ADHD. This was a very successful day where a wide range of professionals from the
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