Just as Michael Phelps did, individuals with ADHD can enjoy and even excel at sports. Physical activity is an essential part of managing ADHD symptoms as it provides an opportunity to redirect and burn off energy as well as an outlet for stress and improving mood. Exercise also gives a child an opportunity to learn a new skill as well as practicing listening, paying attention and problem solving. Exercise can help to improve self esteem as a child progresses in mastering a new skill.
However, there are some sports which are more suited to individuals with ADHD. Usually, sports that are at a fast pace, have little waiting-around time and have few distractions are ideal. Here are some sports that we recommend:
Martial arts. The emphasis in martial arts is on physical and mental control taught through visual demonstrations in addition to verbal instructions. It has a structured form which teaches children to concentrate on what they are doing. Martial arts have a visual reinforcement system through the various coloured belts awarded.
Swimming. Being emerged in a swimming pool allows an individual to block out the outside distractions and focus solely on the task at hand. It is an individual sport that can also take place within a team.
Horse riding. Being in the presence of an animal can be very calmer for some individuals. During a riding lesson you learn to listen carefully to the instructor and complete small targets such as getting the horse to walk, trot, canter and to cross small jumps. This is a good sport for someone that prefers an individual sport rather than a team activity.
It most situations it is best to inform the coach/instructor that your child has ADHD and to explain how this impacts on your child. This will help the coach/instructor to correctly manage their behaviour.