Hannah Wachnianin is one of our Assistant Psychologists at the Learning Assessment and Neurocare Centre. Hannah is also a PhD student at the University of East Anglia, supervised by Dr Neil Rutterford and Professor Philip Corr. Hannah’s research is examining the effectiveness of neurofeedback home training on concentration abilities, impulsiveness and response to rewards. Neurofeedback
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A recent article in the Journal of Attention Disorders added to the valuable literature concerning the effectiveness of non-pharmacological treatments for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A systematic review including 625 participants and 7 treatments was carried out. These were behaviour modification (e.g. token economy reward programme), neurofeedback therapy, multimodal psychosocial treatment, school-based programs, working
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“0n 17th November 2011 I attended the Conference for the SENCO’s in the Independent Sector. One key note speaker was Dr Rutterford from the Learning Assessment and Neurocare Centre/University of East Anglia. He was describing neurofeedback training, something that I had not heard of before. I was both intrigued and captivated by his methods and
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